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Key Facts

Annual Visitors : 11.1 million

Time Difference : GMT -5 or -6 hours

Land Area : 839sqkm | 324sqm

Population : 628,127

Languages : English

Currency : U.S Dollar

One stop from U.K to Memphis International Airport : 10½ to 12½ hours

Flight Times



Memphis is a city in the southeastern United States, on the Mississippi River. It is famous for its blues and rock 'n' roll music scene, its role in the American Civil Rights movement, and delicious BBQ food.

The city is also home to many historical landmarks, such as Graceland, Sun Studio, and the National Civil Rights Museum.

Why Go

  • Visit Graceland the home of Elvis Presley.
  • Take a tour of Sun Studio where many famous musicians recorded their first songs.
  • Visit the National Civil Rights Museum.
  • Walk or bike along the Mississippi River.
  • Explore historic Beale Street known for its blues music and nightlife.
  • Visit the Stax Museum of American Soul Music.
  • Go to a barbecue restaurant.
  • Take a ghost tour: Memphis is said to be haunted.
  • Visit the Memphis Zoo home to over 3,500 animals.


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The best time to visit Memphis is during the spring (April-May) and autumn (October-November). The weather is mild during these months, with average temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to the mid-70s Fahrenheit (18 to 24 Centigrade). There are also many festivals and events happening during these months, such as the Beale Street Music Festival and the Memphis in May International Festival.

The summer (June-August) can be hot and humid, with average temperatures ranging from the mid-80s to the low 90s Fahrenheit (24 to 34 Centigrade). However, there are also many festivals and events happening during this time, such as the Memphis Music and Heritage Festival and the Memphis BBQ Fest.

The winter (November-March) can be cold and snowy, with average temperatures ranging from the low 40s to the mid-50s Fahrenheit (5 to 12 Centigrade). However, there are also many Christmas events happening during this time, such as the Memphis Botanic Garden's Garden of Lights and the Memphis Zoo's Lights Before Christmas.

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